Application requirements
Application requirements
MM application requirements
To be considered for acceptance into the MM in Wind Band Conducting, applicants must:
- Submit a prescreening video of approximately 20 minutes which includes conducting in both rehearsal and performance. For both, the camera should be placed at the back of the ensemble with the focus on the front of the conductor. Include the date(s) and name of the performing ensemble(s). Both small and large ensemble excerpts are acceptable. Rehearsal segments must be conducted in English. Please take one minute at the beginning of your video to introduce yourself and briefly describe your goals in pursuing a graduate degree in conducting.
- Upload a repertory list of conducted wind band works performed to the “Program-Specific Questions” in the University Application.
DMA application requirements
To be considered for acceptance into the DMA in Wind Band Conducting, applicants must:
- Submit a prescreening video of approximately 20 minutes which includes conducting in both rehearsal and performance. For both, the camera should be placed at the back of the ensemble with the focus on the front of the conductor. Include the date(s) and name of the performing ensemble(s). Both small and large ensemble excerpts are acceptable. Rehearsal segments must be conducted in English. Please take one minute at the beginning of your video to introduce yourself and briefly describe your goals in pursuing a graduate degree in conducting.
- Upload a repertory list of conducted wind band works performed to the “Program-Specific Questions” in the University Application.
- Submit a 10-20 page paper representative of scholarly work.
A limited number of applicants will be invited to audition. Invited applicants will be contacted soon after January 1 to arrange an on-campus audition. Interviews and additional testing will take place at the live auditions. Wind Band Conducting audition dates will be arranged with candidates.
All expenses for the audition/interview, which is required for admission, must be borne by the applicant. The audition/interview will consist of the following:
- Conducting experience with one of the University of Illinois bands that will include live coaching with the ensemble. (see note above)
- Interview with the band faculty.
- Basic demonstration of aural, analytical, and score reading skills.
Questions about the graduate program in wind conducting should be directed to Dr. Kevin M. Geraldi, director of bands.
Learn more about the university application and get started now.
About Master of Music and Doctor of Musical Arts, Wind Band Conducting
The music faculty of the University of Illinois considers study in music history, theory, and related fields essential components of a conductor’s preparation. The School of Music maintains an excellent library, distinguished faculty, and well-trained staff. In addition, Illinois Bands has the largest and oldest university performance library collection in the world, as well as the famous Sousa Archives and Center for American Music located in the Harding Band Building. These amazing historic libraries provide some of the world’s finest research capabilities for our graduate students. The performing ensembles, which are composed entirely of students, differ in size, purpose, and repertoire. Collectively they provide an outstanding musical laboratory for those enrolled in the conducting program.
Learn more about the degree requirements for the MM, Wind Band Conducting by visiting the academic catalog.
Learn more about the degree requirements for the DMA, Wind Band Conducting by visiting the academic catalog.
Learn more information about campus and university policies by visiting the Graduate College Handbook.
Learn more about performance opportunities