Artist Diploma

The Artist Diploma (AD) is intended for musicians at the highest level of artistic accomplishment and potential. Upon completion of the Artist Diploma, students are expected to be ready for entrance into the music profession as a solo artist, member of an orchestra or chamber or jazz ensemble, or as an apprentice in an opera company, and should be prepared to compete effectively in international competition.

Application requirements

In addition to completing the university application, applicants should plan for an audition. Audition requirements are different for each instrument. The AD is open to applicants on keyboard, voice, and classical instruments.

About Artist Diploma

The fields of specialization for the Artist Diploma (AD) are keyboard, voice, and classical instruments. The curriculum focuses on intense applied studies and the goals include:

  1. Develop performance skills as a soloist at the highest professional level, using creative and critical thinking to inform stylistic choices and artistic expression while demonstrating spontaneity and collaboration as appropriate, and will communicate their artistry to diverse audiences.
  2. Develop performance skills as an ensemble performer at the highest professional level, using creative and critical thinking to inform stylistic choices and artistic expression while demonstrating collaboration and spontaneity as appropriate and will communicate their artistry and musicianship to diverse audiences.
  3. Additionally, some Illinois Artist Diploma students may develop experience and expertise in instruction, pedagogy, and student assessment in their major area of musical study, gaining insights into studio and/or classroom teaching and appropriate methods of evaluation.

Performance faculty

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