Summers-Only MME
The 32-credit degree program can be completed in three, eight-week summer terms. With the assistance of the MME Program Coordinator, students select courses taught by faculty in the Music Education Area as well as faculty from the School of Music.
See the Master of Music Education Program of Study in the official Course Catalog.
Summers-Only MME courses are held during the Summer Session 2 (eight weeks). Please check the Registrar’s calendar for Summer Session dates.
The Application Deadline for the Summer-Only MME is February 15 for admission that summer.
Entry Requirements for the Master of Music Education (MME)
- An undergraduate degree in music education from an accredited institution.
- An overall grade point average for the last 60 credit hours of undergraduate work of at least 3.0 (on a 4.0 scale). The grade average for Music Education and Education courses, when averaged separately, must also be at least 3.0 (on a 4.0 scale).
Admission to the Master of Music Education (MME)
- Under the “Program-Specific Questions” of the university graduate application, submit a personal statement discussing your reasons for pursuing graduate study in music education and your potential to contribute to a community of equity and inclusion. This statement will also be used to evaluate your writing ability.
- Complete a personal interview with the MME Program Coordinator, (Dr. Donna Gallo), to be scheduled after the deadline for MME applications and after all admission materials are received.
- Submit three letters of recommendation from individuals who can speak to your potential for success in graduate music study and your teaching ability or potential. These letters should include recommendations from principals, supervisors, and/or former professors.
Please note that the Graduate Record Exam (GRE) is not required for application to any MME program, nor do any MME students complete an audition or take placement exams in music theory or aural skills.
For questions, contact Dr. Donna Gallo, MME Program Coordinator.
Additional Summers-Only MME Information
- Applied lessons and independent study are typically not offered in the summer.
- Students may enroll in an ensemble for one credit toward the degree program, but ensemble options are limited during the summer.
- Applicants to the Summers-Only MME program may apply for an Illinois Summer Youth Music program counselor position (ISYM).
- If selected for a counselor position by the ISYM administration, MME students who serve as counselors qualify for a tuition waiver and stipend. The application for ISYM counselor positions is separate from the MME application, but follows the same Feb. 15 deadline. Learn more about becoming an ISYM counselor.
- MME students who concurrently work as ISYM counselors may enroll for a maximum of 8 credits per four-week term. Requests for exceptions to this policy can be made to the MME Program Coordinator, Dr. Donna Gallo.
- Attendance during the summer term is essential to maintain the coherence and academic rigor of the program. MME students should plan to attend courses for the entire eight-week session without conflicts such as job demands, personal engagements, or other commitments.
- Summers-Only MME students may enroll in academic year MME courses if they live locally or if online courses are available. Contact the MME Program Coordinator, Dr. Donna Gallo, with questions about academic year offerings or consult the course catalog.
Time to Degree Completion of the MME
The Graduate College allows MME students a maximum of five years from the date of initial enrollment in graduate school at U of I to complete degree requirements.
Capstone Requirements for the MME
Students in the Summers-Only MME complete the two MME Capstone Projects and enroll in Capstone Project Synthesis, MUS 569 (2 credits), during their final summer.
Learn more about the university application and get started now.