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ISHC Parking

On-Campus Day-Only Parking

For those staying off-campus

You may purchase a day parking pass (currently $14.00/day) to park in university-metered spaces during the weekday. You do not need to purchase a parking pass for the weekend as you may park in most university lots for free after 5:00 pm on Fridays except where noted. Parking passes must be requested and paid for by May 1. Parking pass fees are non-refundable.

Conference Parking Pass

For those staying in the dorm

Purchase your Conference Parking Pass at the front desk of the dorm when you check in. This pass will allow you to park in the designated “conference” lot close to the dorm. Parking in conference lots is free over the weekend, so you will only need to pay for Thursday and Friday parking.

Illini Union Hotel

The Illini Union Hotel provides free parking for guests. The Illini Union is close enough to walk each day, but just far enough that you will want to consider unloading your harp at the Music Building on the first day and storing it overnight in the Music Building.