Orchestra Auditions - Strings
String musicians have the opportunity to perform in one of three orchestral ensembles:
- Symphony Orchestra (Rehearsals: TR 1:00-3:50 PM)
- Philharmonia Orchestra (Rehearsals: MW 3:00-4:50 PM)
- Illini Strings (Rehearsals: M 7:00-9:20 PM)
1. If you are a non-music major string player interested in auditioning for the Symphony Orchestra, you must take the Advanced Audition and play the required excerpts (see below).
2. If you are a non-music major string player wanting to audition for the Philharmonia Orchestra, you take the Standard Audition. See below for the audition materials.
3. If you are a non-music major string player wanting to audition for the Illini Strings, you may send a recording of yourself performing a solo pieces of your choice to macleodr@illinois.edu for consideration.
NOTE: Orchestra placements are based on schedule availability and audition results.
Access to School of Music lockers and practice rooms for non-majors is expected to be limited and will be handled on a first-come first-served basis. Please contact music-equipment@illinois.edu or stop by the properties room in the lower level of the Music Building for more information.
Spring 2025 String Auditions
Advanced String Auditions will be held January 23, 1:00 – 3:00 PM for students interested in joining UISO. Current UISO members do not need to re-audition. Violin, viola, and bass players will be considered. The cello section is currently full and closed.
Philharmonia String Auditions will be held January 22, 3:00 – 5:00 PM for string players interested in joining the Philharmonia. Members who participated in UIPO Fall 2024 do not need to re-audition unless they would like to be considered for a leadership position as principal player.
Illini String Auditions Members who participated in the Illini Strings in Fall 2024 do not need to re-audition. New members may be considered by sending a recording of a solo piece to Dr. Rebecca MacLeod, macleodr@illinois.edu by Wednesday, January 22, 2025.
ADVANCED AUDITION for Violin, Viola, Double Bass, Harp
Thursday January 23, 2025
For placement in the University of Illinois Symphony Orchestra (UISO)
The Advanced Audition is required for all BMUS, BME, MM, AD, and DMA string performance music majors in the School of Music who must participate in a major ensemble each semester as part of their degree program. BME string music majors may prepare the Standard Audition material in consultation with their applied music instructor.
BA in Music and BS (CS+Music) majors are encouraged to audition. Non-music majors are welcome to take this audition. Students not placed in UISO as a result of this audition will be recommended for Philharmonia or Illini Strings.
- Download Advanced Audition excerpts for your instrument.
- Schedule an audition time. Report to desk outside Orchestra Rehearsal Room (ORR, #2310) on Krannert Level 2 to check in. Auditions will take place in ORR, the TA Office, and Tryon Festival Theatre.
- Warm Up is in the Tryon Festival Theatre Green Room
- Audition Results
STANDARD AUDITION for Violin, Viola, Cello, Double Bass
Wednesday January 22, 2025
For placement in the Philharmonia Orchestra
- Any non-music major, BA in Music, or CS + Music student playing violin, viola, cello or double bass. For all Harp audition questions, please email Professor Ann Yeung.
- Download Standard Audition excerpts for your instrument.
- Schedule an audition time. Report to desk outside Orchestra Rehearsal Room (ORR, #2310) on Krannert Level 2 to check in. Auditions will take place in ORR and the TA Office.
- Warm Up is in the Tryon Festival Theatre Green Room
- Audition Results
Questions? Email Dr. Rebecca MacLeod, macleodr@illinois.edu