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Choral Ensemble Auditions

We are delighted you’re interested in singing with one of our outstanding University of Illinois choral ensembles.  We have a choir for every interested singer and look forward to welcoming you into our community, where we share the joy of singing great music together!

Choir Ensembles Auditions

Choral Ensemble Auditions

The University of Illinois Choirs are open to all university students by audition. Auditions take place the first week of the fall and spring semester. Singers who are not in a choir and who wish to join one for the Spring semester are invited to drop-in for an audition. Music majors that were placed in ensembles for the fall semester do not need to re-audition for the spring semester. See below for details. 

Spring 2025

Audition dates are as listed below: 

  • December 13, 2024: 11-1pm
  • January 21, 2025: 11-1pm
  • January 22, 2025:  1-3pm

All auditions take place in room 4-411 in Krannert Center for the Performing Arts. See below for audition requirements.

Please, sign up here:

Ensembles accepting new singers for Spring 2025 are: 

  • University Chorus (MUSC 462, MW  4:00-5:20 PM)
  • Black Chorus (MUSC 463, W  6:00-8:50 PM)
  • Women’s Glee Club (MUSC 464, TR  4:00-5:20 PM)
  • Varsity Men’s Glee Club (MUSC 465, TR  5:30-6:50 PM)
  • Oratorio Society (MUSC 466, T  7:30-9:30PM)

Requirements for Non-Music Majors

Be prepared to sing “My Country ‘Tis of Thee” or another song of your choice (1-2 minutes maximum) for your audition.

Fall 2025

Choral Auditions for Music Majors

All music majors audition every year in the fall semester. These students are in the BMUS, BME, and BMA degree programs. Transfer students joining the School of Music in the spring set up an audition with Prof. Andrea Solya during the first week of the spring semester. BA in Music and CS + Music students are encouraged to audition!

Location, Time and Audition Schedule for Music Majors

Music major choir auditions take place in Krannert Center Room 4-411 with Dr. Andrea Solya. The room is located on the fourth level of the Krannert Center for the Performing Arts, near the south end of the building. Enter through the blue level KCPA doors on the main floor of the parking garage and go up one level.

Audition dates for the Fall 2025 semester have yet to be announced.

Music Majors, please sign up here:

Non-Music Majors, please sign up here: 


Choral Auditions for Non-Music Majors

The University of Illinois Choirs are open to all students by audition.

Drop-in auditions are available for Fall 2025 enrollment for new students! All ensembles are accepting new students. Their days and times are listed below: 

Chamber Singers (MUSC 460, TR 1:00-2:50 PM)

University Chorus (MUSC 462, MW  4:00-5:20 PM)
Black Chorus (MUSC 463, W  6:00-8:50 PM)
Women’s Glee Club (MUSC 464, TR  4:00-5:20 PM)
Varsity Men’s Glee Club (MUSC 465, TR  5:30-6:50 PM)
Oratorio Society (MUSC 466, T  7:30-9:30PM)

Requirements and What To Expect

Requirements for Music Majors

Be prepared to sing a short aria or art song (or excerpt from a longer aria or art song of about two minutes). You will also be asked to sight-read, and may be asked to vocalize and/or perform tonal memory exercises. The aria or song can be from any tradition, in any language, and should show us your expressive talents as well as your vocal skill.
If the day assigned for your year does not work in your schedule, you may sign up for a time on one of the other days (not the evenings, which are reserved for non-music major auditions).

Requirements for Non-Music Majors

Be prepared to sing “My Country ‘Tis of Thee” or another song of your choice (1-2 minutes maximum) for your audition.

Returning Students

Returning members of Women’s Glee Club (WGC) who are non-music majors and who do not wish to be considered for any other choral ensemble do not need to re-audition. Be sure to contact Prof. Solya before the audition days to let her know your intent to return. All Varsity Men’s Glee Club (VMGC) members (returning and new) are required to audition.

Location, Date, and Audition Schedule (Non-Music majors)

Dates and times have yet to be determined. A sign-up form will be posted here in August.

Black Chorus

If your interest is in specifically singing in Black Chorus this year, you do not need to take the choral audition described above, unless you are a music major; all music majors re-audition every year as described above. For Black Chorus information, contact Dr. Ollie Watts Davis.