
June 22-28, 2025


Program Description

The Composition program was created to give any high school music students with an interest in composition an opportunity to explore and develop new skills. There will be individual composition lessons, master classes, and notation.



For students completing grades 8-12.
Previous composition experience is required. At minimum you should be able to read treble and bass clef (knowledge of alto clef is helpful), and know a little about music theory (scales, triads and intervals).


Resident – $850 (includes housing and all meals)

Commuter – $550 (includes lunch M-F only)


Participants will be asked to begin composing a piece for chamber ensemble before the program begins. Your piece will be workshopped, completed and performed by an ensemble during ISYM. You do not need to finish before the first day, but you should at least have a starting point. And if you do have one piece already done, then you can probably write a second piece during the week.

For 2024 the instrumentation available will be flute, clarinet, violin, cello and piano. You may use any combination from any two instruments up to the full quintet.

Instrumentation TBD for 2025.



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