ICMA Policies

The Illinois Community Music Academy has specific policies to which students must agree at the time of registration.

ICMA Policies

Private Lessons Attendance

Students and their instructors will arrange a specific time and day each week for private lessons. It is expected that the day/time chosen will remain a constant weekly time throughout a given semester, with the exception of published university breaks.

  • Only one cancellation is permitted per semester. Teachers are not obligated to make up additional cancelled lessons and no refund will be issued. However, we will do our best to accommodate additional cancellations when given at least two weeks advance notice.
  • Students/families are responsible to give reasonable notice to their teacher in the event of a cancellation (i.e. at least 24 hours advance notice). If a student does not show up, or if notice of the cancellation occurs less than 24 hours in advance, it is considered a “no-show.” Teachers will not grant make-up lessons for a “no-show” and no refund will be issued. In the occurrence of sudden illness or family emergency, a “no-show” may be classified as the one permitted cancellation per semester.
  • If the teacher cancels a lesson, it will be made up or refunded.
  • Students/families are encouraged to trade lessons with other students when conflicts arise.
  • Extenuating circumstances will always be taken under consideration at the discretion of the private teacher.

Group Class Attendance (Strings Only)

  • Group lessons are an integral part of the learning experience for the student, and for that reason attendance is required if students register for these classes.
  • Students are billed for group classes regardless of attendance.
  • If a student misses more than two group classes in a semester, discussion with the teacher will need to occur to determine the student’s continued level of involvement.
  • If a student is not adequately prepared for a performance due to frequent absences, they may not be allowed to participate.
  • If a group class is cancelled due to extenuating circumstances, every effort will be made to reschedule.

Student Minors on the Premises of the University of Illinois

  • The behavior and supervision of minors outside of scheduled instruction time with our instructors is the responsibility of parents and/or guardians.
  • Instructors are not permitted to give rides to students. Neither may minors rehearse unsupervised on university property.
  • Instructors will have an emergency contact sheet based on the information families provide.
  • An adult must accompany young children at all times. If an instructor is late, a responsible adult must be present with a young child until the teacher arrives and must be present immediately following the completion of instruction. Parents/guardians or a responsible adult, similarly, must also monitor any additional young children (e.g. siblings or friends) who have entered university facilities with them but are not enrolled in our programs.
  • Students who are old enough and mature enough to navigate our facilities quietly may be dropped off and not accompanied into the building by a parent, guardian or responsible adult. In this case a parent or legal guardian must obtain written approval from the Public Engagement Office.
  • The lobbies and hallways serve as both a waiting area for students prior to classes and a meeting place for parents, students and faculty. Students should speak quietly in these areas to prevent interference with instructors in nearby studios.
  • Parents/guardians are responsible for curtailing running, loud play and any dangerous or annoying behavior on the part of their youngsters. Such occurrences, if deemed extreme, could be cause for dismissal from the program.

Tuition Payments

Tuition must be paid in full by the following dates:

  • Fall Semester: October 15
  • Spring Semester: February 15
  • Summer: June 15
  • Winter: January 1

Failure to provide payment by these deadlines may result in dismissal from the program.


We encourage students to complete the entire semester or summer session. The general policy is no tuition refund for withdrawn students. Extenuating situations will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis. Withdrawal requests must be made in writing and approved before a refund or credit is issued.


We reserve the right to dismiss any student due to delinquent payment of tuition, frequent absences or tardiness, failure to practice, behavioral problems, etc.

Concert Etiquette

Please arrive on time and plan to stay for the entire performance as a courtesy to the other performers. Should anyone need to enter/exit the recital hall, please wait until the current performer is finished, during the applause. It is requested that cameras without flash be used, or if flash must be used, please wait until the end of the performance. Our recitals are family friendly – infants and young children are welcome! In these cases, we understand that attending a performance is a learning experience and welcome the occasional outburst. Formal attire is not necessary, but students should be dressed appropriately for a recital (i.e. avoid jeans, t-shirts and tennis-shoes if at all possible).

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