About Susan Parisi
Susan Parisi’s research has primarily centered on music and performance in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. She has published on early opera; monody; Monteverdi; Frescobaldi; Francesco Rasi; spectacle and pageantry in Italian and Northern cities and courts; music and theater in Mantua’s Jewish community; French tragédie en musique; and opera buffa by Mozart’s contemporary Ferdinando Rutini. Her archival discoveries concerning Monteverdi and Frescobaldi are published in the proceedings of international conferences and also incorporated in the Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians, and in an Ashgate volume (2011) of selected “ground-breaking” contributions to Monteverdi scholarship. Parisi has edited four books: Music in the Theater, Church, and Villa: Essays in Honor of Robert Lamar Weaver and Norma Wright Weaver (2000), Music Observed: Studies in Memory of William C. Holmes (with Colleen Reardon, 2004), Fiori Musicali: Liber amicorum Alexander Silbiger (with Claire Fontijn, 2010), and The Music Library of a Noble Florentine Family: A Catalogue Raisonné of Manuscripts and Prints of the 1720s to the 1850s collected by the Ricasoli Family…, with introductory essays by Robert Lamar Weaver (2012). Recent articles appear in Gender Matters: Discourses of Violence in Early Modern Literature and the Arts, ed. Mara R. Wade (2014), a volume that grew out of an interdisciplinary Mellon conference held at U of I; and in the Proceedings (2016) of the international conference on Gonzaga patronage of the theatrical arts in Mantua, 1480-1630. Others of her articles and reviews are published in the Journal of Musicology, Studi Musicali, Journal of Seventeenth-Century Music, The Eighteenth Century, New Grove, New Grove Opera, Die Musik in Geschichte und Gegenwart Online, Notes, and Yearbook of the Alamire Foundation, and in Festschrift volumes for Lewis Lockwood, Warren Kirkendale, and Albert Dunning.
Dr. Parisi has taught at the University of Illinois, Millikin University, and University of Nevada, Reno, and for a number of years was on the faculty of the University of Louisville. Her research has been supported by grants from the American Council of Learned Societies, Fulbright Commission, Martha Baird Rockefeller Foundation, University of Louisville, and University of Illinois Research Board, among other entities. From 2004-12 she served as series editor of the Detroit Monographs in Musicology/Studies in Music, Harmonie Park Press.
B.A. (music and French), Chatham College; M.M., Rosary College/Villa Schifanoia Graduate School of Fine Arts, Florence, Italy (flute performance); Ph.D., University of Illinois (musicology)
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