Registration Forms and Petitions

Registration Forms and Petitions

Cognates  information relating to the requirement to select an area of study outside the major area.

Course Restriction Override Form – used when attempting to register for a restricted music course. Please follow the steps outlined in the form.

Graduate College (GC) 599 – Graduate College (GC) 599 is a 0 credit hour registration option for advanced doctoral students who must maintain full-time enrollment to defer student loans but do not have tuition waivers.

Request for Academic Leave of AbsenceUse this form to request permission for a leave of absence (up to one academic year) from graduate studies.

“In absentia” Registration Form – “In absentia” registration is designed for students who wish or need to remain registered but plan to study or research for at least one semester at least 50 miles away from campus.

Late Registration / Course Change Form – Use this form when requesting a change to your current schedule after the 10th day of class.

Provisional Approval of Research Topic and Permission to Enroll in MUS 528B—This form is for doctoral students in their last semester of coursework. Completed forms should be emailed to the course instructor of MUS 528 B for approval well before the end of the semester, prior to the one in which you wish to take the class.

Professional Internship (MUS 459) & Curricular Practical Training (CPT)  – Students seeking to earn academic credit for an internship experience should review the documents on the SoM Internship site.

School of Music Internal Petition – used when requesting a course substitution, alternate cognate, etc. Please note that petitions for an exception to the School of Music curriculum should be submitted in the semester before the desired term in which the exception is being sought.

Graduate College Petition – used when requesting a re-entry, policy or deadline exception, or transfer credit.

Graduate Application – Students wishing to change curriculums should submit a Graduate College Application.

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