Entrance Exams and Study Guides

Entrance Exams and Study Guides

Fall 2024 Entrance Exam Schedule and Study Guides

Entrance Exam Schedule 

All entering graduate students are required to take the Graduate Entrance Exams in Music Theory and Musicianship, except those in Music Education, the Artist Diploma, and Musicology.

Study Guides for these entrance exams are posted here.  Please note that registration for the exams is required.  Please complete a registration form here.  Students are strongly encouraged to prepare thoroughly for the entrance exams.  Failing to take the exams or not passing one or more sections will require course remediation or retaking exams next semester. It may delay the completion of the degree, particularly for DMA students.

The musicianship entrance exam will be offered on Tuesday, August 20, from 5:30 to 6:30 PM.

The theory entrance exam will be offered on Wednesday, August 21, from 5:30–8:30 PM.

Both exams are held in the Music Building Auditorium.

If you are a current University of Illinois Graduate Music Student continuing to a new degree program (e.g., MM to DMA) and have previously completed the entrance exams, you have met the entrance requirements; you are exempt from taking the entrance exams.


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