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Smith Music Legacy Scholarship Fund

Scholarships are an essential factor in recruiting and retaining talented students, ensuring access to a quality education with the School of Music.

Smith Music Legacy Scholarship Fund

Support Music Students

Scholarship support is integral to our mission as a land-grant university. Now, more than ever, we’re in critical need of scholarship funding for music students of all socioeconomic levels who rely on financial aid for their education.

About the Fund

When Thomas Smith originally pledged his support to the university, he asked that scholarships be established for music majors of the strongest potential and talent. Today, his vision continues with the Smith Music Legacy Scholarship Project, which provides added financial aid to Illinois music students who might not otherwise be able to attend the university.

Give Today

Please consider making a gift today to preserve Thomas J. Smith’s legacy. Each gift, no matter the size, makes a difference in the lives of promising music students.

Give Now

A Love Story: The Smith Legacy

“There is nothing dearer to my heart than the development of music. It is the greatest thing in the world and contributes more to the happiness and pleasure of people than anything within my knowledge.” – Thomas Jefferson Smith

Listed on the National Register of Historic Places, Smith Memorial Hall is dedicated to the memory of Tina Weedon Smith, whose love for music made this gift a reality for the university.

Smith Hall was Thomas Smith’s lasting legacy to his wife and to his idea that there is no greater joy in life than music. His support of music lives on through Smith Memorial Hall and the Smith Music Legacy Scholarship Project.

Since its dedication in 1922, Smith Hall has been a university symbol as the home for learning music and a signature venue for concerts and recitals. Nearly 100 years later, this historical hall is undergoing major repairs and restorations thanks to a four-year, multi-million-dollar renovation project that will preserve this landmark for future generations.

Naming Opportunities

There are several opportunities within Smith Hall to dedicate a studio, practice room, recital hall seat or other historic space in your name—or in the name of someone you would like to honor. All of the funds raised will go toward student scholarships.

Your Smith Hall tribute will be a public statement in support of music and learning, which will be seen by thousands of visitors every year.